Sterling Park, Greensboro, Greensboro

Student accommodation information

Here at Sterling Park, we provide our student housing residents the comforts of home with the luxury of college independence. Our amenities were designed with students in mind and have been tailored to assist in the success of our students. Our motivating residence life program, convenient location walking distance from UNCG, and professional management team all come together to make Sterling Park the perfect place to call home.

Student Housing Options

2 Bedroom Apartments
3 Bedroom Apartments
En-Suite Rooms

Features and Facilities

Fitted Kitchen
Fridge Freezer
Satellite/Cable TV
Flat Screen TV's
Utilities Bills Included
Wireless Internet
Private Bathrooms


Car Parking
Onsite Maintenance
Onsite Staff

Close By

City Centre

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Near University of NC Greensboro
Type Student residency
Available From Now
Minimum Rental Period N/A
Summer Lets Available Yes
City Greensboro
Country    United States

Full Address

1722A Sherwood Street,
Greensboro - 27403, United States

Contact Number


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